children's ministry
children's ministry
children's ministry
youth ministry
children's ministry
Welcome to FBC youth!
Our Youth Ministry is a place where middle and high school students are embraced just as they are. Here, you'll find a supportive community where you can belong, grow in your faith, and engage in exciting activities. Join us for worship, relevant teaching, and fun events that will challenge and inspire you to live out your faith. Connect with us to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference in our community through Christ. We can't wait to meet you!
Get involved
Sunday School
Classes begin at 9:00am in the Educational Building on the third floor. Explore faith, build relationships, and grow together with us!
Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm for a time of fellowship and bible study! We meet during the school year in the Educational Building on the third floor.
Contact info
Director of Youth Ministries